Hey Dudes and Divas,
I had the best night ever last night. June Ambrose did a book signing at my school. LOVE my school for that. I was able meet her and ask her a questions or two.She has such great style. People like her let me know that everyone in fashion isn't NASTY. There are still good people in the industry. They are rare but they are there. Check out here book. It is really good and every women should have it. It informs you of what to wear to a work function, how help dress the man in your life, the essential wardrobe pieces, and what should be in every women's bag.
School has been kicking my butt lately. So many classes and so many projects. It is just a lot right now. I'm trying to reach a balance in Work/School/ Life. It is a struggle but the light at the end is getting closer. Build your Foundation in your 20's and allow time for knowledge and perfecting of skills. Destined for Greatness only if you apply yourself.
OK so i know the reason why you visit. So here are the clothes.
FYI... Starting Next week I will be doing two post a week so you will be able to get your fix more often.

Peace, Ms. Mil
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