Hey Dudes & Diva's,
Today is a Beautiful day in the NYC. Too bad I have to work.
Church was Great... High Five Pastor for getting the point across. (I finally saw the old women in the picture this Sunday) LOL
Life is really funny God has a crazy sense of humor. He doesn't always give you what you ask for but always what you need when you need it. It might not seem like it but just take a moment & reflect and you will see it is True.
Crazy... I know...
He is Good like that.
OK, so something we all should be mindful of... Learning the dynamics of our relationships:
The better you know the dynamics of the relationship the better your relationship's will be.
We are to treat people how we want to be treated... But if you don't always know your worth then it is hard to tell/show someone else how to treat you and if you do it might not be exactly right because your not sure.
I love my friends but every couple of years or so I realize that some friends are in our lives more for a season and a reason and it is fine if we Grow up and Grow Apart... It may hurt at first but these relationship's are necessary for real growth. To hold on to something past it's time will lead to it going bad like food when it expires.
I have had the same core group of friends for the last 10 years or more and I love them like cooked food. ( I Love to EAT so my friends know this is a compliment) LMBO!!!!
OK OK enough about me for today now on to Style...
So here are My picks for sexy Fall shoes. So check it out and let me know what you think.


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