Thank God It's FRIDAY!!!!!!
I had the most insane week ever. I'm happy I'm still standing! Amen...
So, I don't know if ya'll like TV Drama's but " Mad Men" starts back on Sunday on AMC (what a good show. Check it out)
I should have a pretty quite weekend. Not doing too much. Big "Cartel" BBQ tomorrow.
After that chill out and relax. No more studying for that crazy math class. I had to withdraw from it. I was not doing good at all.
Think I might take it easy and watch some movies this weekend and get ready for Guatemala in 2 weeks.
I'm thinking about getting a weave for the fall a nice long one. What do you think? Something like this one...

If anyone knows about any great things to do during the weekend let me know. I'm looking to meet new people.
OK, so do People no longer have real Goals? It seems like everyone is waiting for a handout of some sort. It is the craziest thing to realize that.
What do guys/girls look for in a mate? If not someone who is attractive, ambitious, and respectful. Just for starters.
Without Goals could you really be Ambitious? I'm dumb founded by the number of people I meet nowadays who don't have any sort of aspiration except to just B.
People we really have to do better. We need to LEAD by example.
1. Set Goals even if it is just something to do for the day. (Have to start somewhere)
2. Once you start it is mind blowing you will start to realize something different about yourself take it all in.
3. WRITE it down. When you write it now it make it more solid and real.
Take a minute and sit and think about what you would like to Give and Get out of this Life.
Just know Your Talents and Gifts are Not for U but to be Shared with All.
OK just wanted to help some folks who might not have ever thought about it.
Now Something about Me...
I love to laugh
I try not to take myself too serious (Doesn't always work)
I love to Eat (As If U Didn't Already Know)
Not much just a lil bit...
If the People around you are bringing you down or holding you back, Let them go!
Ms. Mil
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